Post by UttuqXul on Oct 30, 2017 13:47:35 GMT
Mu, or Lemuria was the first major civilization, of the Mithraic, human race. I don't believe the first human actually appeared right there. They were not quite the same as us- extremely similar, though. The destruction of Lemuria is unique, I believe, in that this was the only time in Earth history when God, Jehovih, actually decreed and brought about the destruction of a people- all other stories and The Destruction Of The Wicked theory generally are not really true. The Hyperboreans were the next phenomenal appearance, those who came from Sumarra and founded Ultima Thule on Hyperborea. It's not my belief they have any descendants among us; not all was fun and games on Hyperborea- there were some rather evil rulers, the Vargas. Atlantis was the name of a planet, destroyed by a natural disaster- those people came here, to earth; named that other continent after their planet. Atlantis was very far away from Lemuria- in different oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific, respectively.